Sunday, January 23, 2011

Not much to say...

So, all last week, I tried to think of something to blog about here. Nothing came to mind. (Well, nothing witty or blog-worthy.) We did school, we played in the snow, we finally had Christmas with the in-laws. Mostly, we just enjoyed the warm fires and worked on schoolwork.

I think I shall re-institute the blog schedule as in ye olde dayes when I blogged with more regularity. So, without further ado, the schedule shall be:

Weekly--One homeschool, one whatever I want to talk about, one "uplifting" person/newstory and then one Wordless. That should clear everything up.

So, Monday, look for a homeschool post about what's working for us this year!

1 comment:

  1. Monday has come and gone.... Waiting...impatiently.....


Make new friends but keep the old. One is silver and the other is still old. Be nice.

**Not that subtle and now with less catty**